Working method
Our way of working

Customer-oriented approach
Do you know who your customer really is? And more importantly, how does that person experience you? Like it or not: every business has an online image. Whether you sell something online or not, your customers want something or think something of you.
Who has opinions about you? How do you respond? Webwonders helps you navigate through the digital clutter to see the bigger picture. We believe in starting right away if something is an improvement over your current situation. It's about taking small steps towards continuous improvement.
1. Plan
Setting the right goals and seeing what it takes to achieve them. Based on real data and customer insight.
2. Building
We develop the tools needed for success with the best tools. Not only in the short term.
3. Advise, support & train
We remain attached as trusted advisor, implementer, trainer or all of the above
4. Insight, reporting and adjusting
Data informs decisions. Regular contact and reports allow us to make quick adjustments where necessary for the best result.
Starting small
finish big
We believe that starting is more important than being right. Start small and then build big. We start thoughtfully, measure and adjust for best results.
Team Webwonders consists of inbound marketers, strategists, copywriters, designers and enthusiastic techies who make sure everything works, is reliable & secure and keeps on looking good. When working together, we believe in a cultural fit rather than just throwing around figures. We go for results, but in a way that suits you.
Working with everyone
That's what we do: we work together. Large teams, another agency for content marketing, your own marketing department, individual copywriters or the entire sales team... we can work with everyone to achieve the goals and steer where necessary.
We make sure that everything and everyone works together, that there is an overview and everything is linked together to see the effects and report. In practice, we find that we do a lot in the beginning and after a while your own team can pick up more and more.
By collaborate, we also mean work together. When we deliver something, we don't leave you to your own devices. We continue to support where necessary. To achieve this, we offer a range of service packages in various formats, ensuring there's always a solution through which we can provide ongoing support.